













好氧生物處理法主要被應用於去除廢水中有機物,該有機物常以生化需氧量(簡稱BOD5)量測及表示。接觸氧化池為一固定膜式好氧生物處理法,附著性生長之微生物生長於具有高比表面積蜂巢式濾材上,以鼓風機將空氣注入廢(污)水,提供微生物所需之溶氧(一般DO值介於1.0~3.0 mg/L),藉由微生物分解有機物之作用,消耗水中之有機成分。







(1) 沉澱作用:藉由粒子於濾料粒子間之沉澱以達過濾之 效果,惟過濾水質受沉澱面積(濾料之表面積)之 大小影響,濾料之表面積越大,處理水之水質越好。

(2) 凝聚吸附作用:粒子附著於濾材表面上,而被捕捉。 粒子藉由物理、生物、化學之凝聚作用,而達到過 濾之功能。惟過濾水之水質受濾料之接觸機會所影 響,濾層越厚、粒徑越小濾材表面積越大,粒子抑止效果越佳,過濾效果也越高。

(3) 攔截阻留作用:為較濾材之濾粒間隙為大的粒子,被 濾材所捕捉。

通常過濾以(1)及(2)之作用較大,阻留作用則為上 述之副作用。




薄膜生物反應池(Membrane bioreactor,MBR),為一結合生物降解及薄膜過






Introduction for major units of wastewater treatment plant

(1) The pumping station

Generally, the wastewater relies on the force of gravity to flow from factories to the wastewater treatment plant by sewage pipes. So the plants are planned and located on the park’s site of lower ground level. Once, the wastewater enters into the plant at the first point, the pumping station is built up for lifting the influent up to the next treatment facilities and then wastewater flows to the following units by gravity.

(2) Mechanical bar screens

In wastewater treatment, bar racks are used to protect pumps, valves, pipelines, and other appurtenances from damage or clogging by large objects, such as tree leaves, sticks, rags, tampons, cans, plastic bags, garbage etc. Those screened larger objects are collected in the storage container and later disposed in a landfill by dump trucks. According to the method used to clean the screenings, bar racks and screens are both designated and set up as hand-cleaned or mechanically cleaned types in the WWTP.

(3) Parshall flumes

The Parshall Flumes, the most widely used device for measuring the flow rate of wastewater, are also installed in open channels at the influent and effluent sites of our wastewater plants. In open channel, the head, generated by an obstruction such as a special shaped flume, can be detected by the ultrasonic instrument and are used to determinate the flow rate. The correct application, selection, maintenance and calibration of flow-metering devices are critical to the efficient operation and management of a modern wastewater treatment facility. Flow meters should calibrated periodically by an authorized organization to ensure that the meter is functioning properly and accurately.

(4) Vortex grit chambers

Grit chambers, which are one part of pre-treatment facilities of the wastewater treatment plant, are most commonly located after the bar racks and before the primary sedimentation tanks or the equalization tanks. Sand, grit, and stones need to be removed to protect pumps, valves, pipelines, and other appurtenances of the downstream processes from damage. There are three general types of grit chambers: horizontal-flow of rectangular configuration; aerated; or vortex-type. The vortex-type consists of a cylindrical tank in which the flow enters tangentially creating a vortex-flow pattern; centrifugal and gravitational forces cause the grit to separate. The rotating turbine, installed in the center of the circular tank, controls and maintains constant flow velocity, and its adjustable pitch blades promote separation of organics from grits. The action of the rotating turbine produces a toroidal-flow path for grit particles. The grit settles by gravity into the hopper in one revolution of the basin’s contents. Solids are removed from the hopper by grit pumps or air-lift pumps. Grits removed by pumps can be discharged to a hydro clone, or called a grit washer, for removal of the remaining organic materials. Separated grits are kept in storage container for some time and periodically transported to final disposal or landfill by trucks.

(5) Equalization tanks

The equalization tanks are used to overcome the operation problems caused by the wastewater flow rate and strength variations, to improve the performance of the downstream processes, and to reduce the size and cost of downstream treatment facilities.

The principal benefits that are cited as deriving from application of flow and strength equalization are as follows: (1) biological treatment is enhanced, because shock loadings are eliminated or can be minimized, inhibiting substances can be diluted, and pH can be stabilized, and dissolved oxygen in wastewater can be increased in advance if the mixing is by blowing air; (2) the effluent quality and thickening performance of secondary sedimentation tanks following biological treatment is improved through constant solids loading; (3) sand filtration surface-area requirements are reduced, filter performance is improved, and more uniform filter-backwash cycles are possible; and (4) in chemical treatment, damping of mass loading improves chemical feed control and process reliability.

(6) Contact aeration basins

The principal application of the aerobic biological treatment process is for the removal of the carbonaceous organic matter in wastewater, usually measured as biological oxygen demand, i.e. BOD. The contact aeration basin is one kind of fixed membrane-type aerobic biological treatment, microorganisms grow and attach on honey-comb type plastic media with high specific surface rate(about 100M2/M3) and decomposes organic pollutants in the wastewater, and we provides the oxygen by the air blower into the wastewater to maintain the dissolved oxygen concentration between 1.0~3.0 mg/L.

Because microorganisms of the fixed membrane-type growth would not be washed out easily, so it enables to have the long time to grow. Therefore from the bacterium, all often appears the protozoon to the metazoan. The types and quantities of microorganism are quite rich. The operation management is simple and also suitable for the treatment of industrial wastewater, but it has the possibility to cause the sludge accumulation and block the media, therefore the proper and periodical backwashing is very important.

(7) Chemical coagulation/flocculation basins and sedimentation tanks

Coagulation has been defined as the addition of the chemical, normally called the coagulant, to a colloidal dispersion which results in particle destabilization by the reduction in forces which tend to keep particles apart. Coagulation involves the reduction of surface charges and the formation of complex hydrous oxides. The process involves forming either flocculant suspensions of compounds which entrap desired pollutants and carry them out of solution or the formation of insoluble precipitates of the pollutants themselves.

Initially, the coagulation phase of treatment is practically instantaneous and the particles are usually sub-microscopic in size. These colloidal particles then agglomerate to form settleable solids by the process of flocculation. Where coagulation utilizes force of electrostatic or interionic nature, flocculation occurs by chemical bridging or physical enmeshing mechanisms. After coagulation to destabilize the particles and flocculation to generate large particles, the pollutants can subsequently be separated from the wastewater by sedimentation, because of the increase of the settling speed . From 85 to 95 percent of the total suspended solid, 20 to 40 of the COD can be removed by the chemical precipitation in our WWTPs.

(8) Sand filters

Filtration, in our WWTPs, is used for achieving supplemental removal of suspended solids and particulate BOD from wastewater effluent of biological and chemical treatment processes.

Granular media filtration is achieved by passing the wastewater through the beds of granular media materials at a controlled flow rate. The removal process is a complex one involving several different mechanisms such as sedimentation, adsorption, interception , straining, and impaction.

The major purpose of filtration is to separate the solids from fluids by interposing a medium to fluid flow through which the fluid can pass, but the solids in the fluid are retained. It has to be emphasized that the separation will depend on the pore size and the thickness of the medium as well as the mechanisms that occur during filtration. Sand filters are the beds of granular materials which are less prone to clogging due to the greater surface area where the particles can be trapped. Granular media filtration is a cyclic operation involving two phases: filtration and backwashing. The end of the filtration phase(filtration run) is reached when the suspended solids in the effluent start to increase(break through) beyond acceptable level, or when a limiting headloss occurs across the filter bed. Once either of these conditions is reached the filtration is terminated, and filter must be cleaned (backwashed) to remove the material (suspended solids) that has accumulated within the granular filter bed. The wash water containing the suspended solids that are removed from the filter is returned to the pre-treatment facilities in the WWTP and to be treated again biologically and chemically.


 AO-MBR(anoxic-oxic membrane bioreactor) is kind of biological
treatment process which inclusive of anoxic tank, aeration tank and membrane
bioreactor, The advantage of AO-MBR process is it can be in place of
traditional system ,such as Contact aeration basins、Chemical
coagulation/flocculation basins and sedimentation tanks、Sand filters .
In the Aerobic conditions, the system is used for BOD removal and
nitrification( Ammonia nitrogen is converted to nitrate nitrogen). After the
settling tank, part of the supernatant is sent back for the denitrification process.
In this anoxic conditions, denitrification is primary function during the
process,the nitrate-rich mixed liquor from the aeration tanks are mixed
together , after that nitrate nitrogen (N0 3 - ) are transformed to nitrogen gas (N 2 )
by facultative anaerobe
Membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment is a combination of a
suspended growth biological treatment method, with membrane filtration
equipmentmembranes. The membranes are used to perform the critical solid-
liquid separation function, typically low-pressure microfiltration (MF) or
ultrafiltration (UF).
If compare MBR with traditional activated sludge facilities, MBR processes
can be operate at higher mixed liquor suspended solids
(MLSS6000~10000mg/L)) concentrations compared to conventional settlement
separation systems, thus reducing the reactor volume to achieve the same
loading rate。That is the reason why secondary and tertiary clarifiers along
with sand filters can be replace by MBR.

(10) Sludge thickening and dewatering system

The sludges produced by the treatment of wastewater are composed of chemical and biological mixing sludges and the scums collected from sedimentation tanks, they would be pumped out and delivered to the sludge thickeners to reduce the water content of sludge from higher level(approximately about 98~99%) to lower level (approximately about 95%). By thickening, the quantity of sludge can be reduced about 70~80%. Then, the thickened sludges enter the storage tanks temporarily before the dewatering process.

After that, the addition of the high molecular polymer (Polymer+), as the conditioner, make the thickened sludge stabilized before entering the belt filters (i.e. the dewatering facilities) which also removed the water in sludge from higher level(about 95%) to lower level (less than 80%). Finally the sludge cakes produced by the belt press are transported by the screw conveyer to the sludge hoppers and then transported, by trucks, to legal sludge disposal companies to be recycled for the sidewalk bricks or concrete.