序文 Preface
序文—為高科技產業及新竹生活圈創造共存共榮永續發展的園地 科學園區設立的宗旨,在塑造台灣高品質的研發、生產、工作、休閒的人性化環境,以吸引高科技人才,引進高科技技術,建立高科技產業發展基地,促進台灣產業升級及經濟發展。竹科管理局著眼於園區永續發展之遠景及落實環境保護工作,自民國六十九年園區開發時即已著手規劃設置雨、污水分流之下水道系統,園區污水處理廠於民國七十五年開始啟用,妥善處理園區住宅社區與事業單位廢污水。園區污水處理廠的設計最大處理容量為每日16.5萬噸,實際每日處理污水量約10.5萬噸,全區納管率達100%,園區內所產生的事業廢水及生活污水均經污水下水道收集匯入園區污水處理廠處理後,以優於國家放流水標準之水質(BOD5平均值9.7 mg/L;COD平均值24.3 mg/L;SS平均值7.1 mg/L),由專管放流至客雅溪。 竹科管理局,採以水量與水質為下水道使用費的收費項目,並以分級累進加重及優惠折扣收費方式,鼓勵事業單位推動減量、減廢,以降低污染物排放量。於園區污水處理廠亦推動辦理放流水回收再利用及污泥再利用,均宣示竹科管理局對於「珍惜資源」的重視及執行成效。 竹科管理局在污水下水道之更新擴建、污水收集系統水理模式之建置、處理容量及處理後水質上也都提供園區廠商質與量的最滿意服務,污水下水道與園區污水處理廠更於民國九十年三月十六日,通過國際認證機構挪威商立恩威驗證(股)公司(DNV)的評鑑,取得ISO 14001環境管理系統驗證,這些不啻是對於園區污水處理廠過往努力的肯定,更是未來園區污水處理廠再進步之推動力。 園區污水處理廠將秉持著ISO 14001環境管理系統「持續改善」的精神,持續提昇放流水水質,與周邊社區建立和諧關係並貫徹環境政策之執行,以實踐「保護環境」、「珍惜資源」、「產業與環境生態永續生存」之經營理念,留給下一代一個清水放流的美樂之源。 國家科學及技術委員會新竹科學園區管理局 |
Preface -Building a sustainable environment for high-tech industries and the living creatures in Hsin-Chu The goals of creating Science Industrial Park are to mold a humanized environment for R&D, production, and residence of the high-tech industry to attract people of the area, enhance high-tech technology, and upgrade the industries and economics of Taiwan. Under the concept of seeking a sustainable environment, the Hsinchu Science Park Bureau (HSPB) has devoted itself to environmental protection. In 1980, the Administration started planning a wastewater treatment plant in the Park. The plant was constructed and has run its operation since 1986. The maximum capacity of wastewater treatment of the plant is 165,000 CMD. So far, the wastewater that requires to be treated is about 105,000tons per day in the Park. Specific pipes are used to drain the treated wastewater from the plant to Ke-Yu Tsi. The average of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and suspended solids (SS) of treated wastewater from the plant are9.7 mg/L, 24.3mg/L, and 7.1 mg/L, respectively, which is below the national effluent standards Based on the concept that the users pay the fees, the service charge is applied accordingly to each individual factory that discharges the wastewater. The plant adopts an accumulated scale to weigh the quantity and quality of the wastewater discharged by each factory. In addition, a discount rate is applied to encourage waste-minimization, recycling, and reuse of water. The wastewater treatment plant of the Park has met the qualification of ISO 14001 and has obtained a verification certificate issued on March 16, 2001. The plant will make continuous efforts to improve the quality control of treated wastewater, keep in harmony with the surroundings, carry through the environment protecting policy, value our natural resources, and build a sustainable clean water circulation for the next generation. |