【科管局園慶講座】Semiconductor Mega Trend
課程內容 Moore’s law, in semiconductor, faces an increasingly higher economic barrier. There are several business prevails in these and next 10 years, including foundry business model, AI and cloud computing, and advanced packaging technology.
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上課日期 上課時段 授課老師 報名截止日 上課地點 報名 課程費用
20201110-20201110 14:00~ 17:00 陳超乾 總經理 20201110 清華大學 創新育成大樓(近寶山路與高翠路交叉口) 報名已截止 0
總筆數[ 1 ]   每頁 20 筆,第 頁 / 共 1