課程內容 1.ESD Protection Architecture
- ESD Introduction and Stress Modes
- ESD Failure Mechanisms
- ESD Protection Architecture in Chip Level
2.How to Do a Good Layout for ICs ?
- Design Rules for ESD
- Design Rules for Latch-up
- ESD Protection Component: Resistor
- ESD Protection Component: Capacitor
- ESD Protection Component: Diode
- ESD Protection Component: MOSFET
3.Whole Chip ESD Protections
- Input Pins ESD Protection
- Output Pins ESD Protection
- Power Pins ESD Protection
- Mixed-mode ESD Protections
4.Patents Study on ESD/LU Protections by Layout Techniques
- Protection Patents in the Layout Considerations
5.ESD Protection-Networks in ICs
總筆數[ 1 ]   每頁 20 筆,第 頁 / 共 1
上課日期 上課時段 授課老師 報名截止日 上課地點 報名 課程費用
20240803-20240810 週六,09:00-17:30 自強基金會專業講師 20240801 清華大學第四綜合大樓 報名已截止 1500
總筆數[ 1 ]   每頁 20 筆,第 頁 / 共 1